Good News! You can now obtain CEU and CPD accreditation points from CUGE for CEU-CPH, ISA for CEU-ISA, SILA CPD and BOA-SIA CPD!           |           The Congress Programme is now available.           |           Virtual Congress Registration Available. Register Today!           |           Standard Registration ends on 31st July. Register to secure your booking – Register Today!           |           Limited Tour Tickets Available– Secure Your Spot Today!
Banner Host Organisations

Steering Committee

  1. Prof. Tan Puay Yok (Co-Chair)
    Director/Singapore Botanic Gardens
  2. Dr Paul Smith (Co-Chair)
    Secretary General/BGCI
  3. Dr Tim Utteridge (Chair of Organising Committee)
    Director/Research & Conservation, Singapore Botanic Gardens
  4. Dr Jana Leong-Škorničková (Co-Chair of Scientific Committee)
    Keeper of Herbarium & Principal Researcher/Plant Taxonomy, Singapore Botanic Gardens
  5. Dr Carly Cowell (Co-Chair of Scientific Committee)
    BGCI Conservation
  6. Ane Zabaleta
    BGCI Education
  7. Dr Greetha Arumugam
    BGCI SEABG Network Coordinator