Good News! You can now obtain CEU and CPD accreditation points from CUGE for CEU-CPH, ISA for CEU-ISA, SILA CPD and BOA-SIA CPD!           |           The Congress Programme is now available.           |           Virtual Congress Registration Available. Register Today!           |           Standard Registration ends on 31st July. Register to secure your booking – Register Today!           |           Limited Tour Tickets Available– Secure Your Spot Today!
Banner Programme

Theme & Topics

Botanic Gardens - People and Plants for a Sustainable Future

Key Messages

  1. Human dependence on plants for survival and well-being is total and absolute
  2. Climate change and biodiversity loss elevate the role of botanic gardens in connecting people and plants for a sustainable future
  3. Botanic gardens can learn much from each other in areas such as research and conservation, education and outreach, and horticulture
  4. Botanic gardens can achieve more through collaborations among themselves and with their stakeholders

Main Topics

Green and Sustainable Cities Banner

Green and Sustainable Cities

Photo Credit: NParks

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Plant Diversity and Conservation Banner

Plant Diversity and Conservation

Photo Credit: Jana Skornickova

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Engaging Communities Banner

Engaging Communities

Photo Credit: Steffi Loe

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The Gardens for the Future Banner

Gardens for the Future

Photo Credit: NParks

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